Monday, May 17, 2010

5/16/10 Email

Dearest family!

I love you! It was so good to hear from you, and I guess that was just last week, huh? Wow, it seems like so much has happened since last week. Time goes by so quickly, but also it seems like so much time has gone by. Weird how time works like that :) There were two baptisms this week! The first was on Friday night, Iris. Wow, that was a miracle baptism, she has been an investigators since last september and has been ready since about october--but just felt like she needed to know everything. We dropped her last transfer because after she passed her second interview she said she just wasn't ready and didn't want us to waste time visiting her anymore. But, during zone conference for some reason I thought of her, and the next day Sister Norman also thought about her and we planned to stop by and visit, but even though she was really excited to see us and wanted us to come up to visit we still weren't really sure if she was willing.... then, our zone leaders have been working on getting more people into Week C goals so I called her a couple days later so that we could add a week C, shared a scripture and found out she was still really concerned with not feeling worthy to pray. I was able to share my testimony of the Atonement and how Heavenly Father ALWAYS wants us to pray and how only through baptism we can apply the Atonement for the remission of our sins. Extended the commitment and that was it for a couple more days.... Then, this week we met with her on Thursday and she was still haihao, she was ok but not really sure about the commitment of baptism. But, we had the most amazing peike, member-helper, who shared about her being too scared and that she just needed to have courage and go for it. Then my amazing companion extended this weekend to get baptized. I couldn't believe it but we decided on the next day and she got baptized! That lesson was really long and I started not knowing what was going on, but at the end I was even confused at what I had understood--Iris was getting baptized! :) Wow, I can't believe it, but she is baptized and doing great!
Then, do you remember that Huang jiemei I was telling you about--she got baptized on sat! She has such faith and exercises it so well and every problem that came up she was so willing to do whatever she had to fix it. She is so happy that I can't even describe--ok, i know you can't tell from the picture because no one likes to smile in pictures--but she is so happy that we can't even explain. Honestly, all you have to do is one day decide you are going to live the commandments and nothing will stop you from doing it. One day.
Next week we are able to go to the temple! I am so excited! I miss being able to go often, and especially in the MTC where we could go every week, we are going as a Zone so we even get to have the session in English :) But, eventually it should be fun to attend a session in Chinese too :) So, preparation day will be on Wednesday instead of Monday, and you'll probably get an email later in the day---just so you know, so you don't worry about it :)
Ok, I just want to quickly give you a challenge. :) Do something to help strengthen somebody's testimony. Whether it be sharing yours, writing a letter of encouragement, or doing something nice for someone. I've just seen so many people lately, even those in leadership positions of the ward who are struggling. Everyone has hard times and we are all here on this earth to help each other grow and to strengthen each other. Thank you! :)

You all are so fabulous--thank you so much for talking with me last week and letting me know how you all are doing! Love you!
-Sister Ko

Friday, May 14, 2010

Pictures of Taiwan

Anyone hungry for some white fungus?

And, then, there is the plant that started growing in the companion thought it was disgusting but I thought it was the coolest thing ever so I took a picture :) Isn't it amazing?|!

This is the da pu place I was telling you about where they have the grill right there and cook everything right in front of you--soooo good....

Here is the really comfortable chair we get to be in when we email--isn't it cute!?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Baptism Pictures

5/2/10 Email

Last week was the beginning of a new transfer. Sister Norman and I are still her in Nantun and I am so excited about that because I really feel that we as a companionship still have people that need us and I strongly feel that this transfer will be really wonderful and full of miracles. Our whole district is really young this transfer, all the senior companions haven't been here a year yet and the rest of us have only been here a few transfers, so we know that we will be blessed as we work hard.
So this weekend we had a baptism! Huijun, she is from dalu, from the mainland China, so she has this awesome name hui is her xing, her last name, and jun is her mingzi, her first name so her whole name is Huijun. She is so beautiful and was so incredible to see her be baptized. She was a member referral and it's amazing to see how much she has progress and how she has realized the impact of the gospel in her life and knows the truthfulness of the gospel. She is so happy and I really love her and have loved the opportunity to get to know her--I wrote a couple weeks ago about how she has been happier and realized her blessings as she has prayed. She is so great, and is going to be a fantastic member. (she's the tall one)
Then, last weekend we had Chen feng yun and xiao anqi's baptism. Anqi is the one who is the self-referral that came at conference time :) so cute and so ready, it's amazing to see how they don't need that much time but as long as you have a testimony, are ready to keep learning and to keep your commitments you are ready to be baptized. Feng yun has been an investigator for a long time, but when we met with her two weeks ago to set her baptismal date for May she said she didn't want to wait that long--so she was baptized 5 days later on that sat! :) They are so wonderful and so great!
Now, we are working with huang jiemei, Sister Huang, her sister is a member and it was a little scary at first, not going to lie. She was really scary lady, but it has been so exciting to see the way the gospel is changing her life. Every time we visit she is happier, and she has done her hair or put on makeup. But, it's not just that she's taking care of herself, ....she is ligitimately happier! She is even smiling now! Of course, it was a little awkard at first, but she is so happy, and it is so amazing to see her grow. Her baptismal interview is set up for this week so I will let you know more about her later.
You are all so wonderful! I can't wait to talk to you on mother's day! Love you!
-Sister Ko